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Asked by: Emmanouil Turchin
style and fashion makeup and accessoriesHow long does Dap Alex Plus take to cure?
In this manner, can you paint over Dap Alex Plus?
DAP® ALEX PLUS® ALL PURPOSE ACRYLIC LATEX CAULK PLUS SILICONE is an excellent quality, all purpose caulk for sealing a wide variety of interior and exterior surfaces. ALEX PLUS® is paintable with latex or oil-based paints. It won't shine through or discolor the paint for superior paint finish results.
Regarding this, what happens if caulk gets wet before it cures?
If it has just rained or snowed and you're using a water-based product, allow the surfaces to completely dry before caulking. Wet surfaces will make proper adhesion difficult and will prevent the caulk from curing correctly. (Yep, you could get a bunch of caulk dripping down the side.
DAP ALEX PLUS acrylic latex caulk plus silicone is an excellent quality, all purpose caulk ideal for sealing a wide variety of interior and exterior surfaces. It contains silicone additives for greater flexibility and adhesion and it shrinks less for a durable, 100% waterproof seal.