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Asked by: Ama Ostreicher
business and finance real estate industryHow long does eviction affect credit?
Similarly, you may ask, does an eviction ruin your credit?
Understanding how an eviction affects yourcredit is important if you're working on rebuilding damagedcredit history. The short answer is that an evictionwon't directly affect your credit report or creditscore. So, an eviction itself may not appear on yourcredit report, but new landlords will see your pasthistory.
Likewise, can you get evictions off your record?
In most states, evictions stay on yourrecord for up to seven years. Following this timeframe, they'redeleted from public records and will no longer appearon your credit reports.
Although Experian does not show broken leases,evictions or public records on your credit report, a brokenlease may still impact your ability to buy a house. If youdon't pay those fees in a timely manner, the landlord or leasingoffice may sell the unpaid debt to a collectionagency.