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Asked by: Sampson Sanchez Ocaña
home and garden interior decoratingHow long does HardWall take to dry?
Allow The Bond Coat To Dry
Allow Bond Coat to dry for 45-90 minutes depending on the thickness and environment that it's drying in. When its no longer wet to the touch you are ready for the finish coat of plaster.
Simply so, how thick should HardWall plaster be?
Your basecoat plaster should be around 1.5 – 2mm thick, while the finish coat should have a 2 – 3mm thickness.
Keeping this in consideration, how much water does a HardWall need?
I have been mixing hardwall in a jumbo bucket, so that I can mix one whole bag at a time with electric whisk. The manufacturers state 15 litres of water to a bag.
Thistle Hardwall is a gypsum undercoat plaster for use on most masonry. With a final coat of Thistle Multi-Finish, it provides a smooth, inert, high quality surface to internal walls.