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Asked by: Arash Stokes
medical health cold and fluHow long does it take a baby to get over a cold?
Symptoms: Cough; Sneeze;Nasalcongestion
Regarding this, how can I help my baby with a cold?
Most often, you can treat an older baby's coldathome.
- Offer plenty of fluids. Liquids are important toavoiddehydration.
- Thin the mucus. Your baby's doctor may recommend salinenosedrops to loosen thick nasal mucus.
- Suction your baby's nose.
- Moisten the air.
Regarding this, how do you know when your baby is cold?
The easiest way to tell if your baby istoohot or too cold is by feeling the nape of the neck toseeif it's sweaty or cold to the touch.Whenbabies are too warm, they may have flushed cheeks andlook likethey're sweating.
Cold symptoms typically last about three days.Atthat point the worst is over, but you may feel congested for aweekor more. Except in newborns, colds themselves arenotdangerous. They usually go away in four to 10 days withoutanyspecial medicine.