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Asked by: Betzaida Viais
home and garden landscapingHow long does it take fescue seed to germinate?
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do I speed up grass seed germination?
- Prepare the ground carefully.
- Rake the soil to an even level throughout.
- Pregerminate the grass seed.
- Spread the pregerminated seed over the prepared soil.
- Cover seeds with a very light mulch of compost or straw, according to
- Water the pregerminated seeds frequently.
Similarly, it is asked, how often should I water new grass seed?
Ordinary Seed: Water 1-2 times a week, applying a total of approximately 1 inch of water each week based on your location and time of year. Watering 1- 2 times per week is more beneficial than light watering several times a week. Light watering promotes shallow roots, which make plants less drought tolerant.
As a general rule, hardwearing mixtures usually contain ryegrass and red fescue, two species that establish quite quickly – they can germinate in as little as 3-4 days, but 7-10 days is more average. Other, more high quality mixtures can take longer to get established.