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Asked by: Mengyao Dovgello
hobbies and interests beekeepingHow long does it take for a Granny Smith apple tree to bear fruit?
Consequently, how long does it take for an apple tree to bear fruit?
six to 10 years
Furthermore, how long does it take for a Granny Smith apple to brown?
Slice an apple and before you can even get your snack on, it starts to turn brown. Here's what to do about it. No matter how fresh and crisp apples are, they aren't appetizing once they've turned brown—which takes a grand total of about two minutes.
Most apple varieties do not pollinate themselves or any flowers of the same apple variety; this requires planting at least two different apple tree varieties close to one another so that the bees can pollinate. (There are actually some self-pollinating apple tree varieties if you are really short on space.