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Asked by: Damien Twisterling
personal finance credit cardsHow long does it take for a refund to show up on credit card?
Considering this, how long does it take for a refund to show up?
A credit card refund could take anywherefrom a few minutes to several weeks, if you're returning apurchase. But if you're seeking a refund because you'redisputing a charge on your monthly statement, the process couldtake up to 150 days.
Also know, how do refunds work on credit cards?
Waiting To Make A Return If there is a balance on your credit card when arefund for a purchase from a previous billing cycle isissued, then the credit will simply be applied to youraccount, reducing your existing credit cardbalance.
When you make a debit card purchase, the money istransferred out of your bank account to the merchant. The bankcannot issue an immediate refund to your debit cardbecause the process is instant, and your money is no longerthere.