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Asked by: Floralba Ilenseer
home and garden home appliancesHow long does it take for a Rug Doctor to dry?
two hours
Also to know is, how long do you have to stay off carpet after cleaning?
Ideally, avoid heavy traffic and keep children and petsoff the carpet for at least 6 hours aftercleaning. If you must walk across the carpet toget to another part of the house, do it 30 minutesafter cleaning it by removing your shoes and wearing a pairof clean white socks to protect thecarpet.
- Remove all Furniture from the Carpet. Be quick enough to removeall the furniture from your carpet.
- Go Old School.
- Soak up as Much as Water Possible.
- Vacuum the Carpet.
- Open Those Windows.
- Set Up Fans.
- Put on Those Ceiling Fans.
- Dehumidifier Saves the Day.
Likewise, how long does it take rugs to dry?
6-10 hours
This smell is caused by your carpet remaining toowet for too long. When used correctly, it should take nolonger than 2 hours for your carpet to dry after deepcleaning with a Rug Doctor Deep Cleaner.