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Asked by: Fatima Dahaev
home and garden landscapingHow long does it take for a tamarillo tree to fruit?
Besides, how long do tamarillo trees live?
Tamarillos are fast growing small trees which will fruit in their second year, reaching full production capacity around four years from planting. They are relatively short lived with an average tree fruiting for around 7-12 years before giving up.
Correspondingly, how do you grow a tamarillo tree?
Plant tamarillos in full sun – though they will tolerate some partial afternoon shade. They need protection from strong winds that can shred the soft large leaves. Avoid planting in areas with prolonged cold winter temperatures. A light frost has the benefit of pruning tamarillos by killing off any long, spindly stems.
Tamarillo flowers are self-fertile, but will crop better if cross-pollinated by bees and wind moving the pollen between flowers. During summer, keep the area around the base of the tree weed-free to avoid competition for moisture and nutrients with the shallow roots of the tamarillo.