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Asked by: Suping Abraham
home and garden landscapingHow long does it take for bulbs to grow after planting?
Besides, how long after planting bulbs will you see growth?
The glads take 70 to 90 days to bloom, andareusually planted in succession over about a tenweek periodto assure a progression of blooms in the garden.Youcould dig down very gently and see if theyarerooting and sprouting, but it is still early. Once thesoil warmsup they should grow quickly.
Also question is, how long does it take for lilies to grow from bulbs?
Each class of lily blooms during a specificrangeof time. Most Asiatic lilies bloom from 30 to 45 daysaftergrowth begins. Orientals take from 40 to 90 days.Americannative tiger lilies are the latest bloomers, 100 to120 daysafter spring growth starts.
The following tips will help you growhealthy,beautiful flowers. Soak fall-planted bulbsfor 12hours in warm water before planting. Soakingallowssuitable bulbs to absorb enough water to begingrowthimmediately, saving two or three weeks of time.