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Asked by: Oualid Spiridon
home and garden home appliancesHow long does it take for butane to dissipate?
Besides, does butane evaporate completely?
Since the room temperature butane didn't instantly cool when it hit the container, it was still above the boiling point. However, butane has a large vapor pressure (the enthalpy of vaporization is relatively small). This means that even at low temperatures, it will evaporate very quickly.
Similarly, you may ask, at what temp does butane evaporate?
Butane evaporates at 33oF (0.6 oC) at atmospheric pressure.
1, Acute exposure: Acute exposure to n-butane can cause central nervous system depression (drowsiness and light- headedness), narcosis, and asphyxiation. Contact with liq- uefied n-butane can cause eye and skin bums (frostbite).