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Asked by: Jesika Shamrun
medical health cold and fluHow long does it take for Excedrin Migraine to kick in?
Moreover, how quickly does Excedrin work?
After all, this type of head pain is oftendebilitating,and symptoms can last anywhere from four to 72hours.Excedrin® Migraine contains threecomponents:acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine, which help targetpain indifferent ways.
In this manner, why does Excedrin Migraine work so well?
In Excedrin Migraine, caffeine works tonarrowblood vessels in your brain. This decreases the amount ofbloodthat can flow through the blood vessels at one time. Thisactionhelps combat headaches, which happen when blood vesselswiden.Caffeine also helps relieve a headache if it's caused bycaffeinewithdrawal.
Excedrin Dosage Each caplet of Excedrin Extra StrengthPainReliever contains 250 milligrams (mg) of acetaminophen, 250 mgofaspirin, and 65 mg of caffeine. A typical dose for adultsandchildren older than 12 is two caplets everysixhours.