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Asked by: Maddie Katzwinkel
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow long does it take for ghost peppers to ripen?
Keeping this in view, how long does it take for ghost peppers to grow?
The surest way of growing ghost peppers isindoorsor in a greenhouse where temperatures can be maintained atthe 75 F.(24 C.). Seeds for ghost peppers take around 35days togerminate in very warm soil between 80-90 F. (27-32 C.)whilekeeping the soil moist consistently.
Secondly, how long does it take for peppers to ripen?
At 55 degrees, they will ripen in 3-4weeks.Storage temperatures below 50 degrees will slowripening,but results in inferior quality. We think thatunriperpeppers placed in a bag will probablyripen,gradually, in about a week to two weeks.
Peppers ripen faster in warmer weather.
- Keep the peppers on the vine as long as possible topromoteripening.
- Pair a picked less-ripe pepper and a tomato together tohastenthe ripening process.
- Place peppers in a sunny window or warm room to help themripenmore efficiently.