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Asked by: Jurdan Eberg
food and drink desserts and bakingHow long does it take for grapes to go bad?
In respect to this, how do I know when grapes go bad?
Some common traits of bad grapes are asofttexture, a brown discoloration and they will begin to smellalittle like vinegar when they are left too long and begintoferment. Mold will eventually start to appear, so be suretodiscard any rotten grapes.
Similarly, it is asked, why do grapes go bad so fast?
The reason, as the California TableGrapeCommission points out, is that the excessmoisture createdby washing speeds up the grapes' decay. Tokeepgrapes at their freshest, store them unwashed in aplasticbag in the refrigerator.
The white film, called “bloom,”issomething that you see on a number of soft fruits and protectsthegrape from things like moisture loss and decay. Producedbythe grape itself, the bloom is mostly made of awaxysubstance called oleanolic acid.