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Asked by: Nouraddine Neuper
style and fashion bath and showerHow long does it take for great stuff to harden?
Keeping this in view, how long does expanding foam take to harden?
Foam will be tack free in about 20 minutes. It can be cut, sanded, plastered, or painted after twelve hours and will be fully cured in 12 -24 hours.
Accordingly, how can you make great stuff dry faster?
Dampen for Fast Curing Expanding polyurethane foam sealant requires moisture to expand and cure. If you're applying foam to dry wood or other dry surfaces, or working on a day with little humidity, misting the area first will help the foam expand and cure faster.
It's because the greatstuff needs air to cure, so when the bottom cures, it doesn't allow any air to get inside for the rest of the GS to cure.