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Asked by: Anfal Claesen
home and garden landscapingHow long does it take for Johnny jump ups to germinate?
In this regard, how do you germinate a Johnny Jump Up?
Seeds for your Johnny Jump Up plant can be sown direct early in the spring. Or, you can start seeds indoors six to eight weeks before the last frost. Cover seeds with an eighth of an inch of soil, water them well, and keep them warm. Johnny Jump Up will take awhile to germinate, so be patient.
In this manner, are Johnny Jump Ups invasive?
Tiny pansy flowers, called Johnny-Jump-Ups, survive easily for me, becoming a bit invasive in my flower beds. New, beautiful 'Columbine' and 'Etain' violas, listed as perennial, not annual, flowers are hardy to Zone 4.
Johnny Jump Ups are grown from seeds. They like full to partial sun. Johnny Jump Up can be directly seeded into your flower garden or seeded indoors for transplanting later. For spring blooms, you need to start your Johnny Jump Up in pots and containers indoors six to eight weeks before the last frost.