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Asked by: Vira Piteira
healthy living nutritionHow long does it take for lawn fungicide to work?
Thereof, should you water lawn after applying fungicide?
Contact fungicide This means they need to be reapplied more often. However, if you water your grass after applying one of these, the fungicide will be washed off the leaves and will no longer provide any protection. This means you should avoid watering your grass after applying a contact fungicide.
Moreover, how long does it take for fungicide to work?
In most cases, it needs to be applied before the disease begins. Most Contacts have as short residual and are only effective for three to eight days. After that, it will need to be reapplied. The fungicide needs to remain on the surface of the blade the entire time to be effective.
Too Much Fungicide: Lawn Care No-Nos Fungi often develop resistance and/or a tolerance to fungicides. When this happens, the fungicides become ineffective in combating the lawn fungus. This results in homeowners using more and more fungicides on their lawn without getting the fungal disease to go away.