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Asked by: Ashot Valdeon
style and fashion mens sportswearHow long does it take for Lululemon to hem pants?
Also asked, can you get Lululemon pants hemmed?
Bring your Lululemon pants intoanystore—even if you bought them at another storeoronline—and they'll be hemmed for free. It'sathree-day turnaround. No alterations and noreceiptrequired.
Beside above, does lululemon replace pilling pants?
And you CAN! Honestly, Lululemon doesstandbehind their product and if after a year, your pantsarepilled beyond belief, they will replace them.BasicLuon: This includes the classic Groove Pant, a lot ofWunderUnders, and many other Luon based Lululemon bottoms.Thesewill pill, over time.
No, lululemon athletica does not offerastudent discount in-store or online, customerservicerepresentatives from various stores confirmed. Thepopularathleticwear retailer also doesn't offer coupons,nordoes it have a rewards program.