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Asked by: Everaldo Kaushik
medical health vaccinesHow long does it take for medical records to be transferred?
Also, how long does it take to get medical records transferred?
Fulfilling record requests can taketime,so plan ahead and don't expect to receive yourrecordsthe day you request them. In fact, HIPAAallowsproviders 30 days to complete a recordrequest.
In this manner, can you mail medical records to a patient's home?
The Privacy Rule allows covered healthcareproviders to share protected health informationfortreatment purposes without patient authorization, as longasthey use reasonable safeguards when doing so. A physicianmaymail or fax a copy of a patient's medical recordto aspecialist who intends to treat thepatient.
According to HIPAA, you have the right torequestmedical records if: You are the patient or theparentor guardian of the patient whose records arebeingrequested. In some cases, the health care providerwillprovide you a form that the patientmustcomplete.