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Asked by: Talha Saladrigas
style and fashion bath and showerHow long does it take for oatey ABS cement to cure?
Allow 15 minutes for good handling strength and 2 hours cure time at temperatures above 60°F before pressure testing up to 180 psi. Longer cure times may be required at temperatures below 60°F or with pipe above 3".
Accordingly, how long does ABS cement take to cure?
24 hours
Hereof, how long should ABS glue dry before turning on water?
Re: ABS Cement Setting Time. 5 minutes is plenty enough time for the glue to set enough for you to drain water thru the system. Re: ABS Cement Setting Time. If you cannot pull the glued joint apart, it's ready for water flow.
Green transition cement can be used to join ABS to PVC or any variation of the two, but only if local building codes approve the application.