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Asked by: Isak Tzschacksch
science environmentHow long does it take for pine seeds to germinate?
Similarly, how long does it take for a pine seed to sprout?
A seed beginning to germinate will crackopen and start to extend a growing root. Depending on the speciesand the individual seed, this could take anywherefrom 3 weeks to multiple years, although you never need to store aseed for that long before planting.
Herein, do pine seeds need stratification?
Tree seeds will only germinate when the weatherconditions and temperatures are in their favor for survival. How tostratify Pine tree seeds: Many tree seedsrequire a cold stratification period in order togerminate while some require a warm stratificationprior to the cold stratification.
Cost. The cost associated with planting seedlingtrees is comparatively low. Costs range between $0.50and $1.50 per seedling for the smallest seedlingorders (generally 100 seedlings).