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Asked by: Jeanine Aldecoa
medical health birth controlHow long does it take for pubic lice to appear?
Keeping this in consideration, how long does it take to notice pubic lice?
People do not usually get any symptoms untiltheyhave had pubic lice for about 5 days. Some peoplenever getsymptoms.
In this way, how long does it take to get crabs after exposure?
Having crabs does not mean a person is uncleanordirty. The most noticeable symptom of crabs is itching.Theitching usually starts about 5 days after a persongetscrabs.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Crabs: Slang for pubic lice, parasiticinsectsthat can infest in the genital area of humans. Pubic liceareusually spread through sexual contact. The key symptom ofpubiclice is itching in the genital area.