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Asked by: Gregoria Zumbult
technology and computing smartphonesHow long does it take for Sprint to ship replacement phones?
In this manner, how long does it take for Sprint to ship out phones?
Our normal shipping time frame is 2-3businessdays but this is from the time the warehouse processes theorderand hands it off to UPS or FedEX unless "next day air"wasselected. As long as your order shows page, then rest assured, it willbefilled and shipped.
Also asked, how long does Sprint take to process an order?
Standard shipping Order by 1 p.m. EST, you will get it in3-5business days (Mon-Fri).
The basic service will cost you just $9/monthontop of your current handset repayments and will giveyou:Sprint's repair and next-day replacementservice.Coverage for loss, theft, damage or malfunction ofyourdevice.