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Asked by: Ziheng Budo
medical health skin and dermatologyHow long does it take for swimmer's itch to go away?
Consequently, does swimmer's itch go away on its own?
In most cases, swimmer's itch goes away on its own, so you don't need to see a doctor. To treat the itching at home, you can: Put cool wet cloths (compresses) on your skin. Use anti-itch creams that you can buy without a prescription in a grocery store or pharmacy.
Also to know, can swimmer's itch last more than a week?
Itching may last up to a week or more, but will gradually go away. Because swimmer's itch is caused by an allergic reaction to infection, the more often you swim or wade in contaminated water, the more likely you are to develop more serious symptoms.
If you have a rash, you may try the following for relief:
- Use corticosteroid cream.
- Apply cool compresses to the affected areas.
- Bathe in Epsom salts or baking soda.
- Soak in colloidal oatmeal baths.
- Apply baking soda paste to the rash (made by stirring water into baking soda until it reaches a paste-like consistency)