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Asked by: Sarunas Kalinchuk
technology and computing shareware and freewareHow long does it take Sky to install broadband?
Similarly, how quickly can sky install broadband?
Sky Broadband installation times So how long does Sky take to activatebroadband? Well, Sky broadband uses the BT Openreachnetwork and requires similar lead times. If you have a landlinealready, installation takes approximately two weeks. If youdon't have a landline, it could take up to threeweeks.
Also question is, how long does it take to change broadband provider?
Although there's no hard and fast rule about howlong you'll have to wait before your new service is up andrunning, the general rule of thumb is two weeks — but again,this is just what you can generally expect; some providersmay take up to six weeks. The easier the switch, theshorter it should take.
This depends on what you're installing. Weestimate a maximum of 40 minutes for a Fibre installationand up to 1 hour 15 minutes for a Fibre, TV and phoneinstallation.