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Asked by: Bouziane Aymard
music and audio education podcastsHow long does it take Spotify to approve a podcast?
2-5 days
Then, how long does it take for a podcast to be approved?
24 to 72 hours
Also know, how do I claim my podcast on Spotify?
Claim a podcast:
- Click Get started.
- Paste and submit a link to your podcast's RSS feed.
- Check the email that's linked to your RSS feed. You'll receivean automatic verification email with an 8-digit code.
- Paste your 8-digit code into the box provided and submit.
After you submit your podcast to ApplePodcasts The process can take up to 10 days,though most submissions are approved within 3 days and onoccasion only a few hours. Apple will email theaddress you entered as your iTunes email in PowerPress settingswhen your podcast is approved.