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Asked by: Abelino Nauke
personal finance personal taxesHow long does it take the IRS to reject a 2018 refund?
People also ask, how do I know if the IRS is rejecting my return?
When an e-filed return gets rejected, the IRS will often let you know within a few hours.
You may be able to e-file a corrected return if your return was rejected for any of these reasons:
- A Social Security number (SSN) or Taxpayer Identification Number doesn't match the taxpayer's name.
- You misspelled a name.
Similarly, it is asked, what happens if my refund is sent back to the IRS?
Generally, if the financial institution recovers the funds and returns them to the IRS, the IRS will send a paper refund check to your last known address on file with the IRS. If funds aren't available or the bank refuses to return the funds, the IRS cannot compel the bank to do so.
The review means that your return is pending because IRS is verifying information on your tax return. They may contact you before processing your return. Please see the link below since you are relying on your refund. The Taxpayer Advocate Service may be able to help once you have tried getting your refund.