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Asked by: Horatiu Mugite
personal finance health insuranceHow long does it take to add my wife to my insurance?
Besides, how long does it take to add spouse to health insurance?
It is called a special enrollment period, and itbegins on the date you get married and usually lasts 30 to 60 days.If you don't enroll during this time, you'll have to wait for yourinsurance company's open enrollment period, which isan annual time period during which you can add yourspouse.
Subsequently, one may also ask, can I add my wife to my insurance at any time?
When it comes to health insurance, marriage is aqualifying life event. This means you don't have to wait until openenrollment to add your new spouse to yourplan—you can do it within 30 days of your marriage. Ifyour company uses Zenefits' HRIS, adding your spouseto coverage is easy.
In order to add someone to your healthinsurance policy, you must first show an insurable interest.That generally limits the people you can add to immediaterelatives such as your spouse, children, or dependent parents andgrandchildren. The insurance company must recognize yourarrangement if it is honored by law.