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Asked by: Xinjian Baragaño
food and drink desserts and bakingHow long does it take to bake frozen cookie dough?
Also, can you bake frozen cookie dough without thawing?
When baking frozen cookie dough, you donothave to thaw the cookie dough. Simply placethefrozen, pre-scooped cookie dough onto abakingsheet and bake for 2-3 minutes longer than theoriginalrecipe recommends. That's it!
Additionally, how much longer do you bake frozen cookie dough?
Place frozen cookie dough rounds about 2inchesapart on an ungreased OR parchment-lined cookiesheet.Bake your sugar cookies 14 to 18 minutes oruntilgolden brown, or bake your chocolate chipcookies 11to 15 minutes until golden brown. Cool 2 minutesbefore removingfrom cookie sheet.
Just cut it into cookie size bites and pop itinthe oven. If it's home made, and frozen in a solidblock,put it in the fridge for a few hours and let it thawgradually. Thebest way to freeze homemade cookie dough is toportion itwith a scoop, or a tablespoon, onto a sheetpan.