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Asked by: Baya Freihold
music and audio science and medicine podcastsHow long does it take to become a doctor of chiropractic?
Subsequently, one may also ask, do chiropractors make good money?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' (BLS)current Occupational Outlook Handbook, chiropractors earn amedian annual salary of $67,520. The BLS says the lowest 10 percentof chiropractors earn less than $32,380. But, if you'regood at marketing yourself, you may do well in a soloor group practice.
is a chiropractor a real doctor?
Chiropractors do not hold medical degrees, sothey aren't medical doctors. They do have extensive trainingin chiropractic care and are licensed practitioners.Regardless of specialty, all chiropractors must obtain alicense to practice by taking an exam.
One of the most significant concerns for a prospectivestudent is the amount of money it costs to pursue thenecessary training and education to become a chiropractor.In the United States, the average tuition cost paidfor attending a chiropractor school for four years isapproximately $120,000.