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Asked by: Hajnalka Leary
sports walkingHow long does it take to become a mortuary cosmetologist?
Likewise, people ask, how much do Mortuary cosmetologists make?
The average salary for funeral service workersis$54,830 as of May 2016, while cosmetologists earnan averageof $24,300 per year. A mortuary cosmetologist canexpect toearn somewhere in between the twoaveragesalaries.
Herein, how long do you have to go to school to be a mortician?
It can take two years to complete anassociatedegree program in mortuary science. The total amount oftime ittakes to become a mortician depends on whether one'sstateallows mortician apprentices to completetheirapprenticeship alongside their schooling or requires themtocomplete it after graduation.
10 Beauty Jobs that Pay You Over USD50k per Year
- Esthetician. Esthetics services and products can meanbigbusiness for its workers.
- Spa or Salon Owner.
- Product Developer.
- Corporate Trainer.
- Beauty Editor or Copywriter.
- PR Agents.
- Theatrical and Performance Makeup Artist.
- Special Effects Makeup Artist.