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Asked by: Anglea Moises
medical health heart and cardiovascular diseasesHow long does it take to become a radiographer in Australia?
All medical imaging technologists anddiagnosticradiographers must complete a bachelor's ormaster's programin medical imaging science. Programs takethree to fouryears to complete.
Keeping this in consideration, how long does it take to become a radiologist in Australia?
Medical Degree (4 to 6 years) As you will have noted above, Medical degreesinAustralia are between 4 and 6 years dependingonwhether you are coming into the degree as auniversityundergraduate or graduate.
Simply so, how much does a radiographer earn in Australia?
Salaries vary according to where you work and inwhichterritory but you can expect to start off at around $50,000parising to $100,000 at a senior level. Taken across the wholeofAustralia, the average radiographer's salaryisaround $73,500 pa.
- To apply for a 3 or 4-year undergraduate degree, you willneedto have completed year 12 or equivalent.
- To apply for a 2-year graduate programme you will need tohaveobtained a Bachelor's degree in medical imaging science oranyhealth science discipline.