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Asked by: Mariame Olfa
healthy living physical therapyHow long does it take to become an occupational therapy assistant?
Also to know is, how long does it take to become an occupational therapy?
Education Requirements Master's degree programs in occupationaltherapytypically take two years to complete and includecourses infunctional anatomy, medical and social conditions,assistivetechnology, patient care concepts, andresearchmethods.
Similarly, how much do occupational therapy assistants make an hour?
According to BLS, mean annual wage and meanhourlywage of an occupational therapy assistant are$60,410 and$29.04 respectively, as of May 2018. Employment levelof theassistants and aides is assumed to grow by 28 percentin thecoming years, which is much faster than the averagefor allother occupations.
An OT has more education than an OTA--a master's degree is the minimum requirement fortheprofession. In some cases, the OTA must go back toschoolfor a bachelor's degree. In others, she may beableto take additional courses that can supplement herassociatedegree and allow her to enter an OTmaster'sprogram.