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Asked by: Yanfen Geschwandtner
food and drink healthy cooking and eatingHow long does it take to boil snow crab legs?
Boiling Times
Boil frozen snow crab legs for 8 to9minutes. Bring a large pot of water to a strong boilbeforedropping in the crab. Cover the pot; bring it back toagentle simmer, and let it cook for 8 to 9 minutes. Ifthecrab is fully thawed, 4 to 5 minutesissufficient.
Moreover, how long do you boil crab legs?
- Fill large stockpot or Dutch oven half full with water;addseafood seasoning and salt. Heat to boiling.
- Add crab legs. Cook 3 to 5 minutes or just until heated.Removewith tongs to serving platter. Serve warm with meltedbutter.
In this regard, how do you know when snow crab legs are done?
King crab legs are typically served withdrawnbutter. Check the color of the crab. If it isalreadyorange or red, it is cooked and just needs to bereheated.If it is greenish or brown, you'll want to makesure thatyou steam or boil it until it turns orange orred.
If they are are crab lovers I would go withmaybe1 1/2 pounds per person. If you have some big eatersyoumight want to go with 2 pounds per person. If youareserving other things with this meal and your guest are notbigeaters than you probably would get by with 1 poundperperson.