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Asked by: Erea Satrustegui
real estate real estate renting and leasingHow long does it take to evict someone in New Hampshire?
Besides, what is the eviction process in NH?
A landlord can legally evict a tenant only by sending a written notice to the tenant. This written notice must be in the form of a "written notice to quit or leave" which is a legal document. Eviction for not paying rent, damages to the property or danger to the health or safety of others require seven days' notice.
Also to know is, can my landlord evict me in 7 days?
Your landlord must give you a written Eviction Notice, sometimes called a "Notice To Quit." If you do not have a lease, the Notice will tell you that you have either 7 days or 30 days to move out. A verbal eviction notice is generally not legal. Keep your eviction notice.
Generally, you will file at the district courthouse for the county where the rental property is located. But if the tenant owes you a lot of rent, and you want a money judgment for the debt, then you may need to file in a superior court.