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Asked by: Spyridon Rutenkroger
business and finance government businessHow long does it take to get a California guard card?
Consequently, how much does it cost to get a guard card in California?
The cost of applying for guard card courses varies on the method of application. If you choose to apply online, the fee for security guard application is $50, while the online convenience fee is $1. Fingerprints must be submitted using LiveScan, and it costs $32 for the Department of Justice, while the FBI charges $19.
Correspondingly, does your guard card come in the mail?
BSIS usually processes new applications within 15-20 days, but it can be as few as 3-5 days. While you wait for your actual guard card to arrive in the mail, your name will show up on the BSIS website so employers can verify your security guard registration.
Should you need to check the status of your guard card, you must contact the BSIS at: (916) 322-4000 or (800) 952-5210. If you would like to have proof of your training, please contact your training facility as they should be able to print/send your records for you.