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Asked by: Tu Smidl
news and politics crimeHow long does it take to get a police report in Los Angeles?
Then, how do I get a copy of a police report in Los Angeles?
If you want to request a copy of a crime report, you must mail your written request to Records & Identification (R&I) Division. You can only receive a crime report if you are an authorized person such as the victim, the victim's representative, or as provided in Section 6254 of the Government Code.
Similarly, you may ask, how long should it take to get a police report?
Usually, police reports take 1-5 days to be found, processed and copied, but ask the officers helping you for an estimate.
Police Reports. Police investigate crimes and arrest people, but they do not charge people with crimes. Police records thus are not part of the court system, and documents like arrest reports or crime/incident reports kept at police departments are not presumed to be open to the public as court records are.