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Asked by: Petranka Rollizo
technology and computing browsersHow long does it take to get a Salesforce certification?
Regarding this, how long does it take to get Salesforce Developer certified?
Salesforce Developer- Take About 5 Months to Master The entry-level Salesforce Developer would require no less than 1-3 years of work experience and courses of action utilization experience.
Keeping this in consideration, how hard is it to get Salesforce certified?
The pass mark is 65%, meaning quite a high level of knowledge is required to be successful in this exam. The test consists of 60 multiple-choice questions, which means you must get at least 39 correct to pass.
Salesforce Certification Cost The costs for a Salesforce certification range from $200 all the way up to $6,000. The $6,000 tag is only for one certification: Salesforce Certified Technical Architect. All the other certifications are either $200 or $400. A retake exam for those who fail is offered at half-price.