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Asked by: Zebensui Tickoo
business and finance entertainment industryHow long does it take to get a sentri card?
Also to know is, how long does the sentri pass process take?
SENTRI application?processed? The reviewprocesscan take up to three months. Schedulea?SENTRIinterview?appointment within 30 days of beingconditionallyapproved.
Also to know, how much does it cost to get a sentri card?
There are a few fees for each persontoapply for SENTRI. The total fee to applyis$122.25 USD per person. This includes a $25 fee toapply, a$14.50 fingerprint fee, and a $82.75 system costfee.Some of these fees can be bundled with otherfamilymembers.
To obtain a SENTRI pass, applicantsmustvoluntarily undergo a thorough biographical backgroundcheckagainst criminal, law enforcement, customs, immigration,andterrorist indices, a 10-fingerprint law enforcement check, andapersonal interview with CBP.