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Asked by: Sughran Pangerl
medical health cold and fluHow long does it take to get EBV test results?
In this manner, how long does it take to get Epstein Barr test results?
These symptoms occur in about 25% of infected teensandyoung adults and usually resolve within a month or two. Peoplewithmono are typically diagnosed by their symptoms and thefindingsfrom a complete blood count (CBC) and a mono test(whichtests for a heterophile antibody).
Besides, how long does it take to get test results for mono?
The results of a monospot test areusuallyready within 1 hour. Normal (negative): The blood sampledoes notform clumps (no heterophil antibodies aredetected).
Reference range for all analytes (HeterophileIgM,VCA IgG, VCA IgM, EBNA): 0.8 AI or less: Negative0.9-1.0 AI:Indeterminate 1.1 AI or greater: Positive. InterpretiveData:Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the etiologic agentofinfectious mononucleosis.