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Asked by: Floricica Gminski
home and garden interior decoratingHow long does it take to get shutters?
Correspondingly, how long does it take to put up hurricane shutters?
It usually takes about five minutes to install aluminum hurricane shutters on an average-size window and less than 10 minutes to protect a sliding patio door. Once you're sure the storm has passed, you can remove the shutters just as quickly by reversing the installation steps.
Additionally, how long does it take to make custom plantation shutters?
The complete plantation shutter process, from your starting consultation to putting your shutters in, usually takes about four to six weeks. The process takes this long because our goal is to build 100% custom shutters for your windows.
Emergency Preparedness Director Tony Carper said most of Broward will see tropical storm force winds so homeowners should determine as best they can if their glass can withstand 60- to 70-mph winds.