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Asked by: Megan Escarcena
education standardized testingHow long does it take to get unofficial GRE scores?
If you select to report your scores, you will view yourunofficial scores on the screen and the score will become a part ofyour reportable history. Your official scores will be available inyour ETS Account and sent to your score recipients approximately10–15 days after your test date.
Also asked, how do I get my unofficial GRE scores?
The only way to get a hardcopy is by directlydownloading a PDF version of your score report and thenprinting it out. There is no full GRE unofficial scorereport, but your unofficial Verbal Reasoning andQuantitative Reasoning scores will be given to you on-screendirectly after you take the GRE.
Additionally, how long does it take to get GRE scores on Reddit?
According to ETS, it should take 10 to 15days.
21 days