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Asked by: Nadiya Raifeld
personal finance student financial aidHow long does it take to get your refund from Strayer University?
All other refunds are required to be issuedwithin forty (40) calendar days of the day thestudent is dismissed or the day the universityreceives notification of withdrawal. Refunds will be issuedwithin thirty (30) days of notification.
Also know, when should I expect my financial aid refund?
In most cases, your check will be sent within the first14 days after the semester begins. This will usually allow enoughtime to post your financial aid and any supplementalfinancing that you receive.
Just so, how long does it take to get refund from Walden University?
Refunds are released 14 calendar days after yourloan disbursement posts to your Walden account.
RefundSelect from ECSI, your school's chosenrefund provider, offers you convenient, fast, and secureaccess to your refund monies. It is a prepaid card thatsimplifies access to college tuition refundmoney.