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Asked by: Megumi Fandiño
food and drink healthy cooking and eatingHow long does it take to heat oil in turkey fryer?
Approximately 30 minutes. Be sure the lid is onthefryer to help speed up the process. Use goodqualityoil with a smoke point of 400°f or higher.Vegetable,corn, canola, soybean, or peanut oils are safetouse.
Just so, how long does it take to heat up oil in a deep fryer?
5 to 10 minutes
Secondly, how long does it take for oil to heat to 350?
5-14 mins
The best type of oil forfryingturkey is peanut oil. You want this type ofoilbecause it has the highest flash point of any oil,which isthe temperature at which the oil starts to burn.Peanutoil also stays clearer than virtually every other typeofoil and is far healthier.