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Asked by: Core Maniowitz
technology and computing programming languagesHow long does it take to learn Java from scratch?
In respect to this, is it hard to learn Java?
The simple answeristhat yes, it can be tricky. As you learn Javaprogramming,you'll encounter some simple concepts like variablesand functions,but there are also more abstract, complex ones likeobjects,bringing inheritance, and polymorphism that can bedifficultto understand.
Also Know, is it possible to learn Java in a month?
Its possible to learn Java andAdvancedJava programming in one month. All you needis hardwork and free time to learn Java programmingconcepts.Java is object oriented high level programminglanguagewhich can run on any platform. Java isplatformindependent.
The amount of time it takes todevelopa solid base in coding depends on whichlanguage youare learning and the amount of time youput intolearning and practicing code. Those who haveatrue passion and purpose for coding normallytakeabout 3 months to learn before starting real lifeprojectswith clients.