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Asked by: Jarein Bakhtoff
technology and computing computer animationHow long does it take to make a full length animated movie?
Also know, what is the first full length animated film?
It was the first full length animated featuretobeproduced by Walt Disney, and the firstAmericananimatedfeature film in movie history. WaltDisney'sSnow Whitepremiered at the Carthay Circle Theater onDecember 21,1937, and thefilm was released to theaters byRKO RadioPictures onFebruary 4, 1938.
Thereof, how many animators work on a movie?
If you meant that kind of "animators"(everypersonneeded to make a movie), then the number wouldbefrom 300 to500 people per movie. In cheaper productionsyoucould have150-200 people, with15-25animators.
I'm pretty sure most movies are around 2hours, butastop motion one will probably be shorter to savetheframes.I'll guess around 90 minutes. So that's about 97,200framespermovie, but how long does it take tomakeeachframe?