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Asked by: Karishma Logeiro
automotive road side assistanceHow long does it take to repave a road?
Considering this, how long does it take to asphalt a road?
Asphalt takes six to twelve months to fully cure,and remains a little more susceptible to damage for that time.However, it takes 48 to 72 hours to "dry" enough for footand vehicle traffic. This is for newasphalt.
Likewise, people ask, how much does it cost to repave a road?
The Means to Maintain To mill and resurface a 4-lane road, itcosts an average of $1.25 million per mile. Then, ifyou want to expand said road from four lanes to six, you canexpect to pay roughly $4 million.
Often, these roads need to have their toplayers milled and resurfaced every 10 to 15 years. This cangreatly extend the life of the asphalt pavement; there are sectionsof busy interstates that have lasted more than 50 years with justperiodic resurfacing of the top layer of asphalt and timelyrepairs.