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Asked by: Varinia Pachr
automotive auto insuranceHow long does it take to replace a garage roof?
Also asked, how long does it take to get a roof replaced?
All of those answers will impact the answer to'howlong does it take to replace a roof?'However, ingeneral, you can expect a typical roofreplacement on a1,000-2,000 sq. ft. home to takeanywhere from 1-3days.
Similarly one may ask, how much does it cost to replace a garage roof?
The cost of garage roofing will dependonthe size of your garage and the type of roofingmaterialsrequired. If you are replacing an asphaltroof, onaverage it costs around $169.84 to $272.32 per 100sq. ft.. Forreference: The average pitched garage roof isaround 425square feet.
Itcosts from $1.20 to $4 a square foot to remove andreplacethe roof or $1,700 to $8,400 for a typical1,700-2,100square foot ranch-style home, with a gentle slope. Thecostper square foot for a wood shingle roof isbetween $6.37 and$8.77.