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Asked by: Mir Grozhantsev
technology and computing antivirus softwareHow long does it take to reset a Windows 10 PC?
Correspondingly, how long should a Windows 10 reset take?
After you select an option, click Reset tobegin. The Just Remove My Files option will takesomewhere in the neighborhood of two hours, while the Fully CleanThe Drive option can take as long as four hours. Ofcourse, your mileage may vary.
Similarly, it is asked, how long does it take for Windows to reset?
Ittakes around 25 – 30 minutes. Also, an additional 10 –15 minutes of system restore time are required for goingthrough the final setup.
When you reset your Windows 10 PC, allapps, drivers, and programs that did not come with this PCwill be removed, and your settings restored back to defaults.Your personal files may be kept intact or removed depending onthe choice you made.