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Asked by: Queren Juanals
hobbies and interests cigarsHow long does it take to smoke a Cuban cigar?
Thereof, how long does a Cuban cigar last?
As a general rule, these products will retaintheiroptimum freshness for anywhere from 12 to 24 months; however,aslong as they are not subjected to extreme temperaturesorhumidity levels, they can remain in good condition for upto5 years.
In this way, do cigars give you a buzz?
Cigars give you a“buzz”because of nicotine. There are largeamounts of nicotine incigars, but very little of it entersyour system becauseyou're not inhaling the smoke likewithcigarettes.
Such "primary" cigar smokers tended tonotinhale smoke -- they took it into their mouths andnotinto their lungs. Because of its chemical makeup,cigars cansend nicotine to the brain even if thesmoke isn'tinhaled. In contrast, cigarettes mostlyneed to beinhaled to send nicotine to thebrain.